We are still enjoying the nice response for This Is Not an Atlas and appreciating the fact that we have to seem a wide audience. Recently two positive (german) reviews were published, one in the magazine of the german speaking anarchist federation (even with one of the Not-an-Atlas maps on the cover: https://notanatlas.org/maps/c-artographies-of-positionality/). The review […]
Amazon, Homeless People and the Police
We are overwhelmed by the positive response for This Is Not an Atlas. It is (german) amazon besteller in “globalization” (even if we would prefere counter-globalization;). And the first edition of 3000 copies is already sold out. So it seems we have a wide audience. Interessting and somehow funny to find out about the differences […]
German Radio Features
Listen to the radio review of “This Is Not an Atlas” from Deutschlandfunk directly here (Player FM) or got to the page of the show Andruck: https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/andruck.1309.de.html?drbm:date=2018-11-26 Listen also to the radio feature on counter-cartographies, kollektiv orangotango and Not-an-Atlas from the community radio Corax out of Halle: https://www.freie-radios.net/91523
Review Greenpeace Magazine
A nice (german) online review about Not-an-Atlas from the Greenpeace Magazine: https://www.greenpeace-magazin.de/nachrichten/die-raeumliche-emanzipation-ohne-worte-sondern-mit-atlas-karten